The best language course in which the learner has ever participated has set the bar. From a teacher’s or language school manager’s perspective, it may be unpleasant being compared to our peers or competitors, but it also gives us an opportunity to learn and, ideally, raise the bar another notch.
There are many factors that can affect a learner’s satisfaction. Aside from the teacher’s approach, language school managers and freelancers must ensure that there is accountability, a pleasant physical environment and, very importantly, materials, resources and tools that will help with the learning and teaching. Learners and teachers must be able to perform to their potentials.
There are always new technologies, methodologies, materials, teaching resources, delivery media, tools, and approaches that can help to differentiate schools and teachers. Because of this, clients and learners are ever more demanding.
Schools and freelance language teachers must continually focus on upgrading quality, communications, reporting, and their relationships with their clients. Teachers need resources, mentoring and timesaving tools to do their jobs better. And learners want personal attention, mobile learning tools and accountability.
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